This month (August) I hosted a 14-Day Happiness Challenge. The call to action for Day 4 was to write down 5 things that make you happy and to share 1 thing with the group engaged in the challenge. I shared more than 5 and it inspired me to really look around my world and notice ALL the things that made me happy on that day. It inspired me to just keep adding to my list. The world throws curveballs everyday – some of them come in with a soft thud, but others land squarely in our laps; it’s nice to know that I control my happiness and how I respond to my environment. It’s easier to respond when I remind myself that “this too shall pass” and there are other things going on around me to be happy and grateful about. I encourage you to think about the things that make you happy. I know that my life is as good as I believe it to be. So, here’s a list of 100 things (in no particular order) that make me happy:

  1. Morning coffee
  2. Supper cooked for me
  3. Overflowing flowerpots
  4. No checkout lines
  5. Chocolate
  6. Clothes that aren’t tight
  7. Comfortable shoes
  8. Soft blankets
  9. Church
  10. Slow Sundays
  11. Antiquing
  12. Autumn
  13. Checking items off my to-do list
  14. Camping and road trips
  15. Living debt free
  16. Clean sheets
  17. Clean feet
  18. The smell of puppies and kittens
  19. Watching puppies and kittens play
  20. Reading
  21. Hearing “I Love You”
  22. Hugs
  23. Surprises in the mail
  24. Flowers
  25. Getting my hair cut
  26. Fall boots
  27. Hearing kids laugh
  28. Christmas lights
  29. A big bowl of popcorn with butter
  30. Meals with friends
  31. Makeup
  32. Warm clothes from the dryer
  33. A good hair day
  34. Birds chirping
  35. Bookstores
  36. Vacations
  37. A warm shower
  38. Smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves
  39. Babies
  40. Holding hands
  41. Random acts of kindness
  42. Leaves falling from the trees
  43. Fall colors
  44. Old movies
  45. Alabama football
  46. Blue skies
  47. Listening to the sound of a river
  48. Christmas music
  49. Riding bikes
  50. Falling asleep to the sound of rain
  51. Trusting someone
  52. Crafting
  53. Cutting the grass
  54. Patio time
  55. Porch sitting
  56. Honesty
  57. Watching kids play
  58. Sitting by the fire pit on a cool evening in a campground
  59. Happy Hour (Peace Time)
  60. Friday afternoons
  61. Finding the perfect gift
  62. Handwritten notes
  63. Receiving a card in the mail
  64. Candles
  65. Listening to music
  66. The smell of cookies baking
  67. A new bag
  68. Entertaining family and friends
  69. Seeing the American flag waving in the breeze
  70. Catching all green lights during the morning/afternoon commute
  71. The first snowfall
  72. Hot chocolate in the winter
  73. Warm fuzzy socks
  74. Having quiet time in the morning
  75. Fresh manicure and pedicure
  76. Playing in the snow
  77. Going to bed early
  78. Purging clothes and items around the house
  79. Bacon
  80. Making lists
  81. Long weekends
  82. Opening a new book
  83. Seeing old friends
  84. Sweaters
  85. Playground swings
  86. Taking a walk with my spouse
  87. Sunshine
  88. Compliments
  89. Playing cribbage (or any board game)
  90. Feeling organized
  91. Having a clean desk
  92. Unplugging from technology
  93. Helping people
  94. Learning a new skill
  95. Setting a goal and achieving it
  96. Being proud of myself
  97. Loving myself
  98. Prayers
  99. Solving a problem
  100. Happiness lists

What is on YOUR list?